Just like there are stock market indexes, there is a Tooth Fairy Index that has tracked the average value of a lost tooth since 2001. In 2001, the average lost tooth was worth $1.50, while in 2019-2020 the average lost tooth was worth a whopping $4! Considering there are 20 baby teeth to lose, if a baby tooth is worth$4 (and, remember, $4 was the AVERAGE!), then the set of baby teeth in a mouth is worth $80!

You can check the data for yourself here.

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What is a Baby Tooth?

Baby teeth aren’t permanent fixtures in your mouth. Rather, they’re more like placeholders, making sure there is enough space in the mouth for your adult teeth when they grow in. Of course, adult teeth sometimes do what they want, which is why braces or Invisalign can become necessary.

Early Treatment with Baby Teeth

The American Association of Orthodontics (AAO) recommends children come in for their first orthodontic checkup by age seven. You will come out of that first appointment with one of three outcomes:

  • No treatment is expected to be necessary.
  • Treatment may be needed in the future, so the child will be followed periodically while the face and jaws continue to grow.
  • There is a problem that lends itself to early treatment.

If early treatment is recommended, there are a number of problems it can fix, even if your child still has baby teeth left to lose. Some of these issues include:baby tooth

  • Underbites
  • Crossbites
  • Very crowded teeth
  • Excessively spaced teeth
  • Extra or missing teeth
  • Teeth that meet abnormally, or don’t meet at all
  • Thumb-, finger-, or pacifier-sucking that is affecting the teeth or jaw growth

At Joosse Family Orthodontics, Dr. Joosse is dedicated to helping your child get their best smile, and sometimes early orthodontic treatment is the best way to go about it. Schedule your complimentary consultation for your child by visiting us online! We can’t wait to see you!